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Dynabrade 51306 Straight-LIne Die Grinder, 20000 RPM, E x tended Rear E x haust, 1/4-In. Collet

Your Price: $454.82
Retail Price:$535.08
Your Savings:$80.26(15%)
In Stock
Part Number:DYN51306


Dynabrade high quality air powered .5 hp straight-line die grinder is perfect for medium duty applications. Perfect for attaching carbide burrs, rotary files, mounted points, wheels & discs. If you are looking for a heavy duty die grinder check out the .7hp and 1 hp models.
  • Extended muffler design reduces sound level to 80 dB.
  • Includes 1/4 in. Collet Insert.
  • Gearless motor reduces downtime.
  • Gearless motor also lessens repair expense compared to geared tools.

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